(As always, pray on this and test it against scriptures.)
Return to Me and I will return to you.
Many of My children are backslidden. Many of My children have forsaken Me to go after the things of this world. Many of My children are deceived and yet they know it not.
Children, why do you chase after the things of men, the things of the devil, and the things of this world? Why do you cast aside Me and My word, My instruction for the things that are inferior and the things that are perishing, the very things that have led you astray?
Why do you worship your nations? Why do you worship your politicians who lie to you over and over again when My word tells you not to trust in men? Why do you worship your celebrities, your homes, your cars, your clothes, your careers, your lifestyles, your families, your money, and your possessions when My word says love not the things of this world? Why do you worship your pastors and the buildings which you are supposed to meet in to worship Me?
Check your hearts. Return to Me and I will return to you. Learn the lesson of Israel, who was given over into captivity because they loved the things of the world more than they loved Me. Repent, turn to Me and live!
A deception that is so strong it will lead most of this world into the eternal fire is coming, and without surrendering your life to Me, you will not be able to discern it. Without Me to guide you, you will fall into the trap. A ruler will rise who will proclaim himself to be god, but he is not God (but merely a man), and the world will worship him. They will align themselves to him, and in so doing they will be lost forever. This will happen because they do not love the truth.
I am the way, the truth, and the life, and no one comes to the Father but by Me.
Get back into My word and live by it. Get back into prayer. You cannot afford to allow your heart to be set on the things of this world. You cannot partake in My table and the table of satan, who has very real power, influence, and authority in this world. He seeks to lead you away from Me because he hates you, and he knows his time is short.
Do not be deceived. This could be your final chance. Please choose wisely. Choose Me and live.
Supporting scriptures:
Joel 2:12-13, Malachi 3:7, Matthew 24:35, Exodus 20:3-4, 1 John 2:15-17, James 4:4, Psalm 118:8-9, Psalm 146:3-4, Jeremiah 17:5, 2 Corinthians 13:5, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12, Revelation 13, John 14:6, Matthew 6:24, 1 Corinthians 10:21, Luke 4:1-13, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians 6:7, James 1:16