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Regarding the Rapture - By Michael Hunter

Written by Michael Hunter in response to this post:

The Mid-trib (supposedly pre-wrath) position states basically that from the beginning to middle of the Tribulation is only the wrath of man and Satan and not the wrath of God. They either unknowingly do not understand, or deliberately ignore that Rev 6-9 clearly lays out that over one-half of the world's population will perish from various causes during the FIRST HALF of the Tribulation, BEFORE the Antichrist breaks his promise after three and a half years and invades Israel, stands in their temple proclaiming himself to be God, and demands that the whole world bow to Him, taking his mark, or die.

At the current world population, that adds up to over 4 BILLION people already dead before mid-tribulation. Numerically, more people will actually die during the first half of the tribulation than the second half. How many people will have to die before these people will finally understand they were wrong and the wrath of God begins immediately at the beginning of the Tribulation, right after those who love God and the Holy Spirit in us are "caught up" and taken out of the way? We and the Holy Spirit in us are presently the hedge of God (the only thing) protecting humanity from the overspreading of abominations. The (real) church all over the world is standing in the gap, and once we are gone, the wrath of God will begin.

As for the post-trib persecution complex which basically states that no one in these last days is a real Christian if they think that God is not going to torture-test the Bride of Christ for the duration of the seven years of the tribulation, and the wealthy and the faithful will survive to the end. Just because many Christians in heathen lands are suffering terribly in heathen nations, to suggest that God wants ALL of His people to suffer as they are foolishly casts dispersion on the many devoted followers of Christ in the free world who have lived and died in relative peace during the last hundred years because the nations that they have been blessed to be living in were founded on the belief, worship, laws, and statutes of God, and the Lord has PROMISED to bless nations when that happens, even unto multiple generations.

The reason that Christians are suffering so much in many nations today is because their governments and the majority of the population do not know God, in fact they hate God and Christians. Do not think that there will also be no consequences when OUR nations are also now departing from God, and that WILL continue to happen. There has already been rejection of Biblical Christianity in our nations in government and education for some time now, and as the majority of the population becomes more and more heathen, the signs of coming persecution against those who believe and preach the Scriptures are increasing every year. Yet this has nothing to do with the Tribulation. That is just because wicked people are in power over the nation and the general population is also turning against God, and when that happens, God declares that when the wicked rule, the people, and particularly the righteous will suffer.

The Tribulation is an entirely different subject. It will occur on God's appointed day when He has determined that IT IS ENOUGH, the cup of evil is full and must be dealt with. When you look at all of the prophetic signs that have already occurred, and the fact that millions of innocent offspring of God around the world are already being killed yearly, sacrificed to the god of abortion, the wise will understand that God is not going to allow this to go on much longer. If we are spared in our nations from coming persecution, it will not be because we are more "deserving" than those suffering in foreign lands, but because our nations are at least for the present still under the blessing of God as a result of the faithfulness of past generations, and we may just be fortunate enough to be still living in the generation when God has declared that the rapture/resurrection, and the following Tribulation will occur.

As for the false teaching that God is going to protect and prosper the "faithful" (those who believe in a post-tribulation rapture) all the way through the Tribulation until the end and then they will be raptured, only to immediately return with Christ and be the ones who rule over the rest of humanity, there is nothing in Scripture to suggest that this is true.

The Rapture is NOT the Second Coming. It is the day when the Bride of Christ will be "caught up" to be with Jesus so that WHERE HE NOW IS in the Father's House, we shall be also while the wrath of God is being poured out on this unrepentant, wicked and adulterous generation, for the purpose that, after suffering what life on Earth under Satan will be like WITHOUT God's protection, it is God's desire that at least some, a remnant, will finally believe the truth, repent of their sins, come to Christ and be saved.

Do you think you will survive to the end of the Tribulation if you are not repenting and serving Christ now? Jesus said that if He does not return at the end of the Tribulation to put and end to World War III (Armageddon), there would be no flesh AT ALL left on Earth, and the Scriptures indicate that the small remnant who do survive to the end will be those who come to Christ during the Tribulation, not those who are not following God now and always looking for another "sign" before they will repent of their sins and truly follow Christ.

Those who are reading this and are so eager to discount Susan's original post. Are you claiming that "Jesus is Lord" while continuing in unrepentance, following the Devil in your daily behavior? Do you think you are "safe" in your sins until you see the Jewish Temple rebuilt, or until the Antichrist is revealed? Or if the Rapture occurs? By then it will be too late for you to be spared the time of the wrath of God, and LISTEN CAREFULLY, there will be NO rapture of the living at the end of it.

Those who have come to Christ and perished DURING the tribulation will be resurrected when Christ returns to COMPLETE the First Resurrection, but God clearly states that the small remnant of believers out of all of humanity who are still alive at the end (also referred to as the elect) will enter into the Millennium in their MORTAL bodies to repopulate the Earth during the Millennium. There is no marriage or giving in marriage after the Rapture/resurrection, so these MUST be mortal, and do not forget that the last time worldwide judgement fell upon humanity, God started again with only eight people, so number of the remnant will be very much smaller than what some people today are preaching.

The important thing in all of this: The wise virgins understand that TODAY is the day for repentance and NOW is the time to be living for Christ, so that whenever Jesus comes, our lamps are full because we know Him and are following the leading of the Holy Spirit, and Christ will know us when He comes for those who love Him. Then shall we hear His voice when the door to Heaven opens, and up we go, so that where he NOW IS, we shall be also, and so shall we ever be with the Lord, returning with Him at the end of the Tribulation, co-heirs with Christ, reigning with Him when He sets up His kingdom on Earth, as it is in Heaven.

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