Last night as I was trying to fall asleep, a thought came to me: what we’re seeing right now is the beginning of the start of the tribulation. I do not think that thought came from me.
Today, my thought is that what we’re seeing in Israel right now is the catalyst that is going to bring about the 7 year covenant of peace that is going to be broken by the man of Perdition, whom the world commonly refers to as the AntiChrist. I also think this thought did not come from me.
I received this message while I was in prayer today, 10/9/2023:
“The faith of many will be shaken by what is to come. But I am fully in control. I want My people to decide not to be afraid, to not let their fear control them, and to trust in Me. My word shows over and over again that I am faithful and that I will deliver those who call upon Me. Do not be afraid My children. Rest in Me and stay strong in Me, for I am your strength and salvation.
Courage is how you react in the face of fear. In the world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer for I have overcome the world (John 16:33). Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid (John 14:27). I am the source of all peace. Believe in Me. I WILL fight for you.”
I am not a prophet. I do not want to be one. I do not want to be called one. I do not want people to even remotely think I am one. I am merely one who has received unfathomable grace and mercy through the atoning blood of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, or Yeshua Ha’Mashiach if you prefer. If you do not know Him, I ask you to soften your heart and consider these words carefully, and seek Him today while you have time. No one is promised tomorrow.
May this message be a message of hope, peace, strength, and comfort to all of my beloved brothers and sisters. May it be a blessing to you and help you.