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Praise Be To The Triune God Almighty

Praise be to the Triune God Almighty (the Father, the Son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit) for the depths and riches of His power, strength, righteousness, holiness, wisdom, faithfulness, goodness, kindness, love, compassion, gentleness, long suffering and patience, slowness to anger, forgiveness, compassion, and mercy.

Praise be to the Triune God Almighty for creating light, the sun, the moon, the stars, the sky, heaven, the earth, the seas, the oceans, the lakes, the rivers, the streams, the day, the night, the dry land, the birds in the air, the fish in the sea, the beasts and creeping things on land, the grass, the mountains, the hills, the valleys, the trees, the herbs of the land, the flowers, and mankind in His image.

Praise be to the Father whose earnest desire is that not one soul should perish, and that all should come to Him through faith and belief in His beloved Son, and for loving us so much that He gave us the gift of His only begotten Son to die on the cross for us so that we may be reconciled to Him, be at peace with Him, redeemed from our sin, be friends with Him, and have a path to salvation and eternal life.

Praise be to the Son for giving up glory, honor, and riches to be born as an infant in a poor family, teaching us of God's Word, giving us a new covenant, and dying for our sins.

Praise be to the Holy Spirit that conceived the Son in human form in the womb of the virgin Mary.

Praise be to the Son for His obedience to the Father's will, loving us so much that He surrendered His life for us as a suffering servant, for living a perfect and righteous life of no sin, for fulfilling the law that we could not fulfill, for taking our sin and shame upon Himself, and for taking God's wrath for us.

Praise be to the Son for His body that was completely broken, battered, bruised, beaten, crushed, flayed, flogged, whipped, scourged, and marred beyond all recognition for us, for carrying His heavy cross while He was barely able to breathe or stand, never complaining, and never accusing.

Praise be to the Son for every drop of His precious blood that was shed and spilled to pay the price for our sins, and for paying the debt that we could never pay.

Praise be to the Father for His restraint as He heard His beloved Son cry "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"

Praise be to the Son for His victory over sin, for breaking the bondage of sin that held us captive, for saving us from the pit of hell, and for delivering us from the power, influence, and grasp of His enemy.

Praise be to the Son for His victory over death, being resurrected on the third day.

Praise be to the Son that through Him we are also overcomers and will share in His victory.

Praise be to the Holy Spirit that indwells in us, that gives us discipline to fight against sin, who teaches us, comforts us, prays for us, interprets our prayers, communicates with us, and gives us power and gifts from above.

Praise be to God Almighty who rules over all of heaven and earth, who rules the nations with truth and justice, and is fully in control of everything, holding everything together.

Praise be to God for His ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts.

Praise be to God because His timing in everything is always perfect, worked with such flawless execution it makes me marvel.

Praise, blessings, honor, strength, glory, dominion, and power be to the Triune God Almighty forever.


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