When Israel's prophets told them that they would be punished for their sins and cast out of the land God had given them, they scoffed. They didn't listen, and they didn't heed the words that God had sent through His messengers. They didn't repent, turn from their ways, and seek God's forgiveness and mercy. They didn't believe they could ever be given up. They thought they were secure in their position and standing.
Isn't this the same thing happening today? No one wants to see that the USA is under judgment. There are people having dreams of war breaking out on our own soil. People having dreams of tsunamis. The writing is on the wall. Every day this country gets further away from God and His ultimate truth, but no one seems to want to see it. They listen to the politicians and the false prophets who say "America will always be a great nation," and "America is going to be great again." They also say "there's no way God is going to forsake us."
We're living in a time of great denial, just as Israel did.
Jeremiah 5:12-13 NASB
12 They have lied about the LORD
And said, “Not He;
Misfortune will not come upon us,
Nor will we see sword or famine.
13 The prophets are as wind,
And the word is not in them.
So it will be done to them!”