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Jesus Christ is AMAZING

Jesus Christ is AMAZING.

Please hear me out here and read on.

Most of us know about how he was able to heal blindness, paralysis, crippling injuries, and sickness of the blood. We know he was able to cast out demons. We know he could resurrect people from death. We know he could walk on water, turn water into wine, command a storm to stop, and feed thousands with a few loaves of bread and a couple of fish. We know he was resurrected three days after his death. These are no small feats.

What I think is the most powerful testament of all was his love for us. He knew what he was supposed to do, and what his fate would be. He endured ridicule, chastisement, persecution, betrayal, mockery, and rejection by his people, and yet he was patient and slow to anger, and never complained.

What moves me the most is Jesus’s final hours. He endured Satan’s attempts to tempt him without giving in. He was betrayed by Judas, and taken as a prisoner. He looked on as his people rejected him and begged Pontius to kill him. He was dressed up to be mocked by the Roman soldiers, with a crown of thorns pressed into his head. He was beaten. Then he was flayed. He was broken so badly he could barely stand, near the point of death, and then he was forced to pick up and carry his cross a great distance while he endured further beatings and jeering from the crowds. He was so weak that someone else had to carry his cross for him. He was then tied to the cross, at which point the Romans nailed his arms and feet to it. Then they raised him up to hang on the cross until he died. He even begged God to forgive the people who were subjecting him to this treatment.

AND JESUS WILLINGLY ENDURED THIS ALL. He WILLINGLY gave up his life so that his blood could be offered on the altar of God in Heaven as the sacrifice through which our sins could be forgiven. Who else could do this? No one. The magnitude of what Jesus endured out of his love for us leaves me speechless.

If you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, repent of your sins, and surrender control of your life to God, you can obtain forgiveness for your sins and avoid eternal damnation. It’s that simple. But you have to be sincere. You have to have faith. You have to be diligent and obedient to God and his word. You have to put God first, even before yourself. You have to let go of bitterness, resentment, grudges, and hatred. You have to change into a new person, and you have to pray. The bible says to pray unceasingly. You have to make time for God every day. Considering what Jesus went through for us, and what he offers us, God’s requirements are small.

It’s not too late to turn to God, or to renew your relationship with him, but time is short. I challenge you to think on what I’ve said here. If this doesn’t move your heart then I don’t know what will.

May God bless you and keep you.


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