“If the bible was man-made, then it wouldn’t go against all of man’s desires.”
My husband recently saw a post on Instagram that said this and read it to me. I immediately agreed. Now that I’m really chewing on that, and thinking about it, I’m even more convinced that statement is 100% true.
Take Romans 12:19-20 for example, where we are instructed to never take our own revenge and leave vengeance to God. Or what about Matthew 6:14-15 where Jesus tells us that we need to forgive others, because if we don’t, then God won’t forgive us? Our flesh hates that. Our natural desire is to want revenge. We like to hold grudges. We want to make people suffer the way we suffered; we want to hurt them as much as they hurt us. God’s instruction to not seek revenge and to forgive others is completely opposite of what mankind wants to do.
What about the 10 commandments? Put nothing above God and worship Him only, don’t take God’s name in vain, do not lie, do not steal, honor your mother and father, do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not covet others’ possessions? How many people do you know who have never broken any of these commandments?
If you want to follow after Jesus, deny yourself, take up, your cross, and follow Him? Love your enemies? Bless those who curse you and pray for those who harm you? Don’t love the world or the things of this world? Flee fornication (sex outside of marriage)? Live holy lifestyles? Turn from sin? Hell is a real place and if you don’t put your belief and trust in Jesus that is where you will end up for eternity? There is only one religion that is actually true? Truth isn’t relative, but is absolute? The only way to heaven is through Jesus? Mankind is evil? Every single person has sinned and needs Jesus as their Savior? The god of this world is satan? Whoever wants to be great needs to be a humble servant? The world doesn’t want to hear any of this.
If the bible were not from God, then it would never convict anyone of sin. It would never offend anybody. It would never make people angry. It wouldn’t be scoffed at. People wouldn’t try so hard to discredit it. People wouldn’t ignore it. Instead of hating it, the world would value it more. It also would never drastically change and transform peoples’ lives. It would never bring healing to people. It would never give people comfort. It would never give people hope. It would not be as influential as it is, and has been for thousands of years. No book simply written by man could ever be capable of any of this. Therefore, the bible is divinely inspired and given by God.