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Beware Of False Signs And Lying Wonders

We are living in a time where this world is about to see extraordinary signs and wonders again. Most of them will be lying signs and wonders, portrayed to be of God, but won't actually be from God.

Pray for discernment.

Scripture clearly outlines that people can be deceived to think that things committed through sorcery are from God. In Exodus, Pharaoh's wise men, sorcerers, and magicians were able to replicate God's power through forbidden arts to turn a staff into a living snake, turn water to blood, and to bring up frogs into the land of Egypt. However, Pharaoh's wise men, sorcerers, and magicians were not able to make a plague of gnats from the dust of the earth, and they told him "This is the finger of God." (Exodus 8:9) When God brought a plague of boils from soot from a kiln on the people of Egypt, Pharaoh's magicians couldn't even stand before Moses. By the time God brought the plagues of hail and locusts upon Egypt, Pharaoh's servants were begging him to see reason and to let the people of Israel go. (There are some additional plagues that were brought on to Egypt that I'm not mentioning here. If you want to read about them, it is described in Exodus 7 - Exodus 12.)

In the New Testament, in Samaria, there was a man named Simon who had been practicing magic for years and had people convinced that he was working through the power of God. Then apostle Philip showed up on the scene and did things the people hadn't seen before, and even Simon the magician believed and repented and was baptized. (This is the same Simon who was rebuked by apostle Peter for asking Peter to give him the power to give the baptism gift of the Holy Spirit for money.)

In 2 Thessalonians 2, Paul wrote to the church in Thessalonica that before Jesus Christ returns there will be a great falling away from faith, and the lawless one will be revealed (this is the man normally referred to as the antichrist), who will come in the power of satan with lying signs and wonders, who will sit in the temple of God and proclaim himself to be God (but he isn't).

In Revelation 13, it says that the antichrist will have a prophet of his own, who will also perform signs and wonders, calling down fire from the sky, and deceives the people of the earth by the miracles he performs. He will make an image of the beast (antichrist) that has the power to move and will appear alive, and he will cause everyone to receive a mark in their hand or forehead in order to buy or sell.

Revelation 11 says there will also be legitimate signs and wonders from two witnesses who will be in Jerusalem, whom the world will hate, and they will have fire coming out of their mouths (could be symbolic for the words they preach), will be able to inflict plagues as often as they wish, turn water into blood, and shut up heaven so that it will not rain. These two witnesses will eventually be killed and their dead bodies will lie in the streets for 3 days, and the world will rejoice over them. After 3 days, they will be resurrected and ascend to heaven.

Again, I ask you to pray for discernment. And I ask you to share this message so that people may remember when the time comes.

The only one you can trust is Jesus Christ. If you don't know Him personally, please call out to Him and ask Him to forgive you and save you today. Time is running out for this world before God's judgment comes.

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