Justin Adkinson 7-15-2022
Speak O Watchman - DO NOT FEAR
The Holy Spirit has put this on my heart yet again to share today! This was a year ago today that I was given these words. I have never had this happen so often! The urgency from the Holy Spirit is stronger than ever! Wake up! Take heed!
Speak O Watchman for the time has come for my wrath upon these cities of wickedness. Many will run to and fro because of the destruction. You say in your heart that there is no way for God to punish the wicked just yet. But I say to you O wicked and perverse generation, that I am God and I will do as I please. Your wickedness is before my eyes, and I see your evil hearts toward others. Your precious land will be made desolate by my hand. You have not seen my judgment fall on a nation before, but it will happen right before your eyes. These words are hard for my watchman to say to you today, as he grows weary of sharing words of warning to people who refuse to listen and take heed. I will go before him and make his path straight. I will strengthen him when he cries out to me in his time of need.
Soon you will see the destruction of this nation. Soon you will see the wicked fall, a thousand at your left hand and ten thousand at your right. Those who trust in me will not be put to shame. I will protect you because I am your God and you have put your complete trust in me. I control all that you see and hear. DO NOT FEAR what man can do to you. I am with you. I will never leave you or forsake you. You will see things around you get much worse at a rapid pace. When you see these things, STAND STILL, and KNOW I AM GOD. I am your God. I created ALL things, and ALL things are under me. If I am for you, then who can be against you? The Spirit is for you, and lives inside you for a reason my children. Know that those who walk in my Spirit will walk each day in my power. My power is in you and he will help you in your time of need.
Draw close to me my children so you can be covered under the shadow of my wings. You can not stand on your own when wickedness surrounds you. Come to me and I will lift you up and hold you in my right hand. Many refuse to come to me even though this world has grown darker with wickedness. I send out my watchmen to sound the trumpet, sound the alarm, in order to warn my bride. I desire for you to be with me today. I want you to be ready for me today and not tomorrow, for you are not promised tomorrow.
Please come back to your first love my children. Not all of you will be ready when I call. Not all of you desire me over this life. Many of you are willing to make compromises with the world instead of fully surrendering to me. I want all of you. If your eyes are not on me when I come, you will not be coming to meet me in the air. My reward for those watching and ready will be with me. Your eternal life with me is beyond compare. So stop fornicating with this world and separate yourself today! Today I want you with me. Can you sense the urgency yet? Can you discern the times? Many still refuse to listen and take heed. My heart is broken over many that claim to love me but instead, their heart is on this world. This world will be no more. Your precious nation will be no more. Do you not see this happening now? I am about to call up the few. The remnant. There are only a few chosen who surrender all, but there are many on the wide road of my enemy leading you to destruction. Take time to come to me before there is no more time. Today is the day to come to me. Tomorrow may be too late. Come, I say, to all who have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying. Come!
My word tells you the truth that many among you refuse to hear. Read my word with wisdom and understanding that I will provide if you request it from me. I will show those who seek me with all their heart the truth! My prophet Jeremiah spoke of this destruction and my word will come to pass. Willful ignorance is not an excuse.
“Set up the standard toward Zion: retire, stay not: for I WILL BRING EVIL FROM THE NORTH, AND A GREAT DESTRUCTION. The lion is come up from his thicket, and THE DESTROYER OF THE GENTILES IS ON HIS WAY (is here already); he is gone forth from his place TO MAKE THY LAND DESOLATE; AND THY CITIES SHALL BE LAID WASTE, without an inhabitant. For this gird you with sackcloth, LAMENT AND HOWL: FOR THE FIERCE ANGER OF THE LORD IS NOT TURNED BACK FROM US.” Jeremiah 4:6-8 KJV
A Little Background On My Calling As A Watchman
This is the scripture I was directed to today when the Holy Spirit started speaking to me and telling me to write. I am shocked again at how frequently the Holy Spirit has been directing me to write words that are directly from the Lord. I definitely don’t take any of these warnings and messages lightly. In fact I always ask the Lord for confirmations before sharing, just to make sure it is from him, and to share it in his timing and not mine. Sometimes when I receive words to share it’s days, weeks, or months later that I am instructed to make them public. Most of the time the words just stay in my journal for me to read as encouragement, edification, refinement, correction, and instruction. There are times when I sit in the presence of the Lord and he tells me to open a specific prayer journal, with a very specific date. This is usually to encourage my heart, or at times start the Holy Spirit speaking loud and clear to me. He then starts giving me new words to share. The only way I can explain it when I read older journal entries is, it’s as if it is a fire starter within me. I don’t always explain this when I share, but many people attack watchmen for sharing what the Holy Spirit puts on their heart. So I was prompted by the Holy Spirit to help give understanding to everyone regarding me being a watchman. There are also many times I question the Holy Spirit about sharing the words he gives me. But when I do this, he quickly reminds me of my job as a watchman.
I have so many writings in my daily prayer journals that I have not shared, because the Holy Spirit did not put it on my heart to share. Most of the time the wisdom and understanding God pours out upon me, when I read His word, is specifically directed at me, in order to change my heart. But he has given me this one today, as an urgent warning message that destruction is coming. He reminded me of the nuclear explosion dream he gave me. I do not know the timing of that event or the timing of the rapture. But we do know that the times we are living in point to Jesus coming for his bride. His return is imminent! Both events could happen at any time, and when we least expect it. This is not to create fear in you because fear is not of God. But it is to encourage you to draw near to Jesus more everyday. To trust him to take care of you no matter what happens and to be ready for eternity with Jesus.
This warning is to wake up those still sleeping in these last days. Many are still believing the lies that we are going back to normal. Draw close to Jesus today. Cry out to him for his peace that passes all understanding. He will take complete care of you no matter what happens in this world. We do not know the day or the hour of Jesus returning, but we do know the season. It is very clear to those with eyes to see, and ears to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to the bride of Christ. We don’t know when our last breath on this world will be either, so be ready at any time to stand before the Lord God almighty.
For more information on what the Lord is going to do to this nation of wickedness, read both Jeremiah chapter 4 and chapter 5. Everything that is described in these two chapters is a warning to this wicked world. It’s God’s way of warning us of what happens when a nation turns from God. When the people harden their heart towards the true watchmen warning. The people instead start believing false prophecies and false teachings that tickle their ears, all because they love this world.
The wickedness and unrepentant sins of this nation has come before the Lord God, and he will not stand idle. Yes he is long-suffering, but that time will come to an end abruptly, and it will be when we least expect it. When the last person is written in the Lamb’s book of life, and adopted into the kingdom of heaven, the end of the church age of grace will happen.
Remember, the righteous are never judged with the wicked. God will protect those that are his children. That is why we must have childlike faith in our Heavenly Father, who will provide for all our needs. He is God! Don’t forget that. Trust in him, and not in man, or what man can do for you. God’s word tells us that those who trust in man will be led to their destruction, which is the pit. Those who put their trust in mankind are cursed as well. But those who trust in the Lord will be protected under the shadow of his wings, just like his word promises. They are also blessed by God almighty. He is my strong tower, and I will run to him whenever I am in need.
I pray this reaches whoever the Holy Spirit is trying to reach. Please come to Jesus today. Choose this day who you will serve. I pray you choose Jesus, instead of this dying and lost world that is reserved for destruction by fire.
Read these verses carefully. See how the Lord protects those who put their complete TRUST in him. They will not be ashamed. Those that fear him and not man, know the secret of trusting in him, and his salvation, because he will PLUCK US to safety at the perfect moment. Trust in him and him alone! God’s timing is always perfect!
“O my God, I TRUST IN THEE: LET ME NOT BE ASHAMED, LET NOT MINE ENEMIES TRIUMPH OVER ME. Yea, let none that wait on thee be ashamed: let them be ashamed which transgress without cause. Shew me thy ways, O Lord; TEACH ME thy paths. LEAD ME IN THY TRUTH, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day.
THE SECRET OF THE LORD IS WITH THEM THAT FEAR HIM; and he will shew them his covenant. Mine eyes are ever toward the Lord; for HE SHALL PLUCK MY FEET OUT OF THE NET.” Psalms 25:2-5, 14-15 KJV
A Watchman until I am called home