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What Message Are You Listening To?

What Message Are You Listening To? 1/9/2023

I think lot of people honestly don’t believe the parable of the 10 virgins (Matthew 25:1-12). Or the part where Jesus said “not everyone who says to me Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven but those who do the will of my father in heaven.” (Matthew 7:21-23.) It’s like the warning about being shut out from the wedding or left in outer darkness has gone completely over their heads. And a lot of people are living in willful oblivious denial.

The understanding I have always gotten from the prophets was it was their task and duty to tell the truth, the warnings and the messages from the Lord, and to exhort people to turn away from their sins. I don’t think that job description has ever changed. What happened to the Israelites who listened to the prophets who spoke happy things? They went to Babylon in captivity. Yeah.

God ALWAYS warns. Honestly, I’m going to listen more closely to the person who is giving the warnings than I am to the person who is telling me things are gonna be all sunshine and rainbows. The precedent has been clearly set in the books of the prophets, I think. And we know that this earth isn’t going to last forever. One day God is going to say “I can’t overlook this and let it be anymore” and then the end is going to come.

I FEEL it urgently in my spirit that it’s all about to end. I keep hearing “the door of grace is closing.”

So which message are you going to listen to? The one that talks about sunshine and rainbows, or the one that speaks of danger and warns?

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