Message given by the LORD, to Susan Davis on January 24, 2023:
Do not worry MY coming is sure. I am not going to leave MY church behind. I love the church who loves ME. This church is a breath of fresh air. She has MY eye, and I watch her closely. I watch over her every move. MY heart is for her. She is loved by ME and I am strong for her. In her weakness, I am strong. I give her MY truth, and she receives it. She loves MY words and I breathe them into her ear.
Her heart is bent on life and not destruction. She is MY glorious creation. She is the vessel created to hold pure gold and I made her with love in mind. We are close and she is MY temple and I reside within her and I love being with her. We are one in Spirit and mind and heart. Our beings flow together. When I move, she moves. She watches ME and follows ME. She stays on the narrow path. I lead the way and she is on the safe way, the one true way. I will not leave her behind.
MY plans for her are to give her a future, a hope and everlasting love. She watches for ME, she is intent on ME and seeks ME at every turn. She runs under MY blood covering and she’s protected. I cover her with MY own blood. I will bring her out into safe-keeping and I will put her to flight. The antichrist will not destroy her because she is MY jewel. I crown her with MY glory. I give her what she can’t give herself. I bring her salvation, truth and she operates in the will of MY FATHER. She is a humble church. She operates in humility.
She knows ME and loves ME and MY ways. We are one, and I will love her for eternity. MY gift to her is everlasting life and I hear her prayers, her words reach MY ears. I'm open to her prayers, prayers for her lost loved ones. I will not turn MY back to her. She always has a home in MY heart and I reside within her and we are united.
Her strength comes from ME and while she is weak, I am strong and the road she is on is narrow and I keep her on the road. I will not look away when she calls MY name. I will come running. For I am a faithful and loyal GOD to those who trust in ME. Loyalty is MY gift. She pleases ME. I am pleased by her. Her love for ME is as a beautiful fragrance under MY nose and it’s a glorious fragrance.
I am waiting anxiously to bring her home and soon and I will do just that because MY words are truth-filled. I cannot lie. And I will do what I set out to do. If I said it, I will do it. And soon I will bring her into glory where she will be raised up and put to safety: away from the coming storm on the earth and all who are left behind in it: a storm of hatred and evil and wickedness. It will cover the entire earth once MY church is removed and MY Restrainer is taken out of the way. The world will go dark without MY full oil lamp church who represents ME in the earth today.
This is MY word today. Look up. Be confident MY words are sure. I am not a man that I should lie. I am coming, prepare your robes. Trim your lamp wicks. Collect your oil. Spend time in the secret place. Chase after your GOD and not the world, and remember Lot’s wife.
This is your LORD
Ephesians 5:26-27: That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
Matthew 6:6: But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
Luke 17:32: Remember Lot's wife.
Matthew 25