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What Has Jesus Christ Done For You?

What has Jesus Christ done for you? He has done EVERYTHING for me, even when I didn’t know he was doing it. Looking back, I see it now....

We ARE in the Last Days

We are in the last days, when Jesus will come to complete the Rapture and bring his faithful servants home. All of the signs are present....

A Word from God

He who loves the world does not love me. If you want to be saved from destruction, you must choose me. No longer can you tarry; you...

My Long Prayer and Love Letter to God

Heavenly Father, I hold You in all reverence, for there is none like You. My heart is glad of You. My soul rejoices in You. My voice...

42 Years To Find God

It took me 42 years to finally find God. 42 years of momentous, tumultuous, and exceptionally difficult adversity to find the love,...

Jesus is Coming Soon

Jesus is coming soon. Are you ready to stand before Him? If your answer is no, it is imperative that you go to Him, repent of your sins,...

Beautiful Prayers

I recommend this video. It contains beautiful words, and a beautiful prayer. I think it perfectly communicates the peace and grace of...

20th Anniversary of 9/11

20 years ago, one of the largest false flag events of the world occurred - the collapse of the twin towers of the World Trade Center in...

Jesus Christ is AMAZING

Jesus Christ is AMAZING. Please hear me out here and read on. Most of us know about how he was able to heal blindness, paralysis,...

Fauci Lied. People Died.

Get Right With GOD Now

If you’re really paying attention to everything that is going on right now, then you will come to realize that the world is in the midst...

Hold The Right People Accountable

We need to wake up to the truth that just because you are a liberal or a conservative, it doesn’t mean that you are a bad person. There...

We Must Stop Complying

Australia is the current testing ground for the New World Order. If you don’t think the U.S. and the rest of the world can’t/won’t...

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